Hip & Knee Talks

Hip & Knee Talks

The two videos below are destined for patients who had or are about to have a hip or knee replacement operation at The Horder Centre. They include a brief explanation of the reasons for a hip or a knee replacement, the anatomy of these two joints, as well as tips to speed up your recovery following surgery.

If you're having your operation elsewhere, please check with your healthcare provider.

Post Operative Management of a Total Hip Replacement

Post Operative Management of a Total Knee Replacement

Horder Healthcare Video Library

Our extensive video library offers a wide array of educational and informative videos on a broad range of topics. Whether you're looking for consultant videos or seeking pre- and post-surgery exercises for hip and knee, we've got you covered.

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The Horder Centre is an award-winning Centre of Excellence that offers patients a unique therapeutic environment. Specifically designed for orthopaedic surgery, our facilities include a physiotherapy inpatient gym and courtyard gardens designed by clinical experts to enhance recovery. Finance options available.

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