Pascalle Smith

Hand Therapist

Pascalle Smith

Pascalle Smith

Medical qualifications

BSc (Occupational Therapy)

Year of qualification


Professional profile

Pascalle is an accredited hand therapist and has worked as a specialist hand therapist for 17 years, following graduation as an occupational therapist from Southampton University.

After graduation she worked at the Wessex Rehabilitation Unit at Salisbury Hospital and enjoyed focusing on long term rehabilitation in hand therapy, gaining specialist knowledge in the assessment of chronic hand conditions and rehabilitation of the upper limb.

Based in the light workshop she acquired advanced activity analysis skills through use of adapted and graded purposeful activity as treatment such as remedial games, arts/crafts and light vocational tasks.

Prior to independent practice she worked in the NHS at Queen Victoria Hospital East Grinstead gaining specialised experience and skills in hand trauma and plastic reconstruction.

Pascalle has a particular interest in hand function and activities of daily living. This includes formulating treatment plans to meet the individual needs of the patients. Encouraging functional activity, promoting work, leisure and interests as part of patient goals and treatment planning. Pascalle also has a keen interest in thumb injuries and complex regional pain syndrome.

Pascalle was the treasurer for the British Association of Hand Therapists for 5 years. In this role she enjoyed promoting the specialist profession, encouraging new developments, research and ensuring best clinical treatments were available for patients. Pascalle is now currently on the Education Committee.



Pascalle Smith

Pascalle Smith

Medical qualifications

BSc (Occupational Therapy)

Year of qualification



Helping hands in Sierra Leone

Horder Healthcare was delighted to support hand therapist Pascalle Smith when she recently joined an ongoing project to Sierra Leone, to help develop a hand surgery reconstruction unit.

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