Debbie Mcleod

Fitness and Rehabilitation Instructor

An image of Debbie Mcleod in a striped purple shirt, wearing a name tag from Horder Healthcare

Debbie Mcleod

Medical qualifications

YMCA Level 2 Exercise to Music, LAO Level 2 Gym instructor, YMCA Level 3 Exercise Referral, APPI Modified Pilates

Year of qualification


Professional profile

Debbie has worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years. Starting as a Level 2 Exercise to Music instructor in 2000, teaching safe and effective exercise to challenge all ages and abilities within local Leisure Centres and private clubs within a variety of formats.

Since first joining Horder Healthcare as a bank cover instructor 4 years ago, she has become a permanent instructor at The Horder Centre in Crowborough using her passion and enthusiasm for exercise, to facilitate the running of various group classes, including Balance and Flexibility, Lower Limb and Stability, and HIIT 50+.

Debbie has been involved in our APPI Modified Matwork Pilates programme across the sites and has become a leading figure in offering Standing Pilates, for those who would like to benefit from the effects of Pilates on their ability to perform daily tasks, but have difficulty with floor-based exercises.



An image of Debbie Mcleod in a striped purple shirt, wearing a name tag from Horder Healthcare

Debbie Mcleod

Medical qualifications

YMCA Level 2 Exercise to Music, LAO Level 2 Gym instructor, YMCA Level 3 Exercise Referral, APPI Modified Pilates

Year of qualification



Workout Video

In this video Debbie Mcleod takes you through Standing Pilates exercises, to help improve and strengthen the lower limb muscles and provide stability to the pelvis and hips.

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