Mr Adrian Butler-Manuel
Medical qualifications
MB BS, FRCS (Orth)
Year of qualification
T: 01892 620934
Professional profile
Mr Butler-Manuel began his medical training at St Thomas’s Hospital, London. His higher surgical training was carried out on the Guy’s and St. Thomas’ s Rotation which included appointments at the Royal East Sussex Hospital in Hastings, the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton and at The Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon. He was appointed Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, with a special interest in lower limb surgery, at the Conquest Hospital in 1993. He has worked regularly at The Horder Centre since 2003.
Mr. Butler-Manuel specialises in knee replacement surgery. According to the latest NJR data, he has performed approximately 600 primary total knee replacements, 200 partial knee replacements and over 100 revision knee replacements in the last 3 years. He is a Faculty Member of the Oxford Partial Knee Group and helps train experienced surgeons in this technique. He also specialises in arthroscopic and ligament reconstruction surgery as well as maintaining his interest in orthopaedic trauma.
Mr Butler-Manuel has a major interest in Clinical Research. He regularly presents at national and international Knee Conferences. He helped establish a dedicated lower limb Research Unit at the Conquest Hospital. Current research studies include:- a randomised controlled study comparing functional results between an established (AGC) and a newer (Vanguard) knee replacements, a randomised controlled study comparing the outcomes following mobile bearing (TMK) and fixed bearing (AGC) knee replacements, and a long term review of Oxford partial knee replacements to be submitted for publication in 2016, He is also principal investigator at the Conquest for an international multicentre study comparing total hip replacement with hemiarthroplasty for fractured neck of femur patients.
Mr Butler-Manuel has also been Lead Consultant for Audit and was Orthopaedic Clinical Lead at the Conquest Hospital from 2007 -2011.
Lower Limb
Current memberships
Royal College of Surgeons
British Orthopaedic Association
British Association for Surgery of the Knee
Personal profile
Mr Butler-Manuel is married to a Consultant Radiologist and has three grown up children. When he finds the time, he enjoys sporting activities, especially tennis, golf and cycling. In his youth, Mr Butler-Manuel was a keen footballer but now has to make do with watching his children play football and hockey, watching television and the occasional five-a-side game!

Mr Adrian Butler-Manuel
Medical qualifications
MB BS, FRCS (Orth)
Year of qualification
Current NHS Post(s)
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Contact Us
T: 01892 620934