Posts Tagged ‘Physio Q&A’
Physiotherapy Q&A: can you tell me what spondylolisthesis is and whether I will need surgery
I recently saw a chiropractor as I have been having ongoing low back pain (LBP) for a number of years and it is getting a little worse. She said it appears I have spondylolisthesis and that I may need surgery. This has really worried me. Can you advise me what exactly spondylolisthesis is and whether…
Read MorePhysiotherapy Q&A : have I reached the time when I need to consider knee replacements?
By Matthew Carr, Chartered Physiotherapist ‘I know I have Osteoarthritis (OA) affecting my knees as was told by a GP some time ago after she did some x-rays which confirmed mild-moderate OA? In this damp weather, my knees have been hurting a lot more. Have I reached the time when I now need to consider…
Read MorePhysiotherapy Q&A: Is warming up before exercise important?
By Matthew Carr, Chartered Physiotherapist ‘I keep getting the odd ache and pain after exercising and my wife keeps telling me that it is because I am getting older and that I should warm up properly before exercise. Is warming up really that important?’ Put simply, a warm-up is aimed at preparing the body for…
Read MorePhysiotherapy Q&A: what is tennis elbow?
He graduated from University of Sheffield’s Medical School and completed his Higher Surgical Training in Trauma & Orthopaedics in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
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