Osteoarthritis of the knee is generally a common complaint amongst those who are 50 years and older as a result of general wear and tear.
As one of the largest and most complicated joints in the body, your knees are highly susceptible to short term damage, a sports injury for example, and long term depletion which affects the condition of the joint surface.

Treating patients suffering from osteoarthritis
Horder Healthcare treats patients suffering from osteoarthritis as part of its comprehensive healthcare service.
Our team provide access to the right information and exercise advice to improve problem areas. If you suffer from mild or moderate osteoarthritis, there are plenty of ways to reduce symptoms by making small but sometimes significant lifestyle changes.
Osteoarthritis affects the movement of this joint through a series of stages:
• Cartilage becomes rough over the main surface of the knee and underneath the kneecap.
• This causes the bone underneath the cartilage to grow thicker over a broader area.
• The tissue tries to repair the problem, however, the reaction can lead to swelling in the joint along with thickening and contractions of the knee ligaments.
Although a cure for osteoarthritis is currently unavailable, exercise can reduce symptoms.
The following land and water-based exercises are recommended: