Neck painThe neck is made up of 7 bones (vertebrae) which are separated by structures called discs and cartilage. These two structures help absorb the stress on the joints, which are further supported by ligaments and muscles. The vertebrae are necessary to allow you to move your head so you can look at your feet and over your shoulder for instance.
There are two types of neck pain; Acute (pain occurring very quickly) or chronic (persistent pain). Both of which can be very painful and debilitating. Neck pain can also cause pain in other parts of the body such as shoulders, hands and arms.
Horder Healthcare physiotherapists can use the following treatment to help neck pain:
Guide price for self-pay and privately insured patients
If you are looking for fast access to physiotherapy treatment we provide expert service and treatment affordably priced* at just £65 for the initial consultation and £50 for follow-up appointments.
* Prices from 1st January 2025