Back pain is a very common condition and most people will experience back pain at some point in their life. Although back pain can be very debilitating, for most people the pain does not represent a serious medical condition.
Back pain is characterised by pain in the mid or lower back and can also affect the leg (this is known as Sciatica).
How to relieve back pain
If you are experiencing back pain, follow ou tips to reduce and recover from the pain:
- stay as active as possible and try to continue your daily activities;
- try exercises and stretches for back pain;
- take anti-inflammatory painkillers – remember to check the medicine is safe for you to take;
- use hot or cold compression packs for short-term relief.

Back pain treatment
Horder Healthcare physiotherapy offers a range of treatments to help you recover from your back pain as quickly and effectively as possible. These include:
Manipulation and mobilisation
This massage works on specific areas of pain in order to improve movement in the back and related areas.
Sports Massage
The massage is diagnostic in nature, to feel for strains and help prevent further injury.
Soft tissue massage
This involves massaging of the muscles, tendons and ligaments to help alleviate pain and discomfort.
Exercise therapy
Your physiotherapist will assess you and then put together a plan of exercises tailored to your needs and condition. Your exercises will be progressed or modified with your needs.
Guide price for self-pay and privately insured patients
If you are looking for fast access to physiotherapy treatment we provide expert service and treatment affordably priced* at just £65 for the initial consultation and £50 for follow-up appointments.
* Prices from 1st January 2025