Mark Foster | Hip replacement

Mark Foster

Hip Surgery

From the age of five, a childhood hip disease meant that Mark Foster always experienced pain in his left hip.

By the time he was in his 50s, the pain meant Mark could only walk short distances, so his quality of life was severely affected. The problem was caused by Perthes disease, a condition that means the hip bone softens and breaks down. When it became so bad that mobility was almost totally lost, Mark opted for a hip replacement at The Horder Centre.


Mark, 54, said: “I chose The Horder Centre on the Choose and Book NHS system because my mum had her knee done there and had a great experience.

My own experience was absolutely fantastic. Everyone couldn’t do enough for me. What makes it different are the little personal touches. It’s like home from home and not like a hospital at all.”

He explained that even sitting in a car, or walking a short distance was an issue so participating in walks with others on holiday was impossible.

Mark added: “When I got in the car to go home after my operation, I felt no pain. It was an amazing feeling.”

Mark, who lives in Sittingbourne and works in a company that manufactures and restores chandeliers, is now following the recommended exercise routine and was able to walk, pain free, on crutches less than a week after his operation.

He said: “I go back for a check up on January 8th and when I’m fully recovered am really looking forward to walking into town without any pain.”

Benefits of hip replacement surgery

90% of patients experience a large reduction in hip pain following a total hip replacement, which allows them to return to their normal daily activities.

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