Dr Joy Virden | Hip operation

Dr Joy Virden

Hip Surgery

Gardening was back on the agenda less than two months after a hip operation for a 71-year-old retired GP patient of The Horder Centre.

Joy Virden had experienced problems with her right hip for around two years. It caused increasing discomfort and meant movement for everyday tasks like putting on shoes and socks and cutting toenails became impossible.

She decided to go privately for her operation with consultant surgeon Mr Senthil Kumar Velayudham at The Horder Centre, after it was recommended by a nursing friend who had her hip replaced at the hospital.


Joy said: “I opted to go private because I wanted to be able to choose exactly when I could have my operation and avoid waiting lists. I was hugely impressed with The Horder Centre.

I think what made it different is the fact that it specialises in orthopaedic surgery, and that level of specialism meant that everyone was very knowledgeable. The preparation beforehand gave me confidence, and the aftercare was excellent. I had physiotherapy three times a day.”

Soon after the operation, Joy was walking and sleeping with minimal discomfort and was given the go ahead to get back her favourite hobby – gardening.

No hospital waiting lists

As a private patient at The Horder Centre you can get faster access to the very best orthopaedic consultants.

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