David Summers | Hip replacement

David Summers

Hip Surgery

David Summers has completed a 2,950ft climb up Great Gable in the Lake District just five months after a hip replacement at The Horder Centre.

And David, 73, who lives in Cranbrook and has been awarded the OBE for public and charitable service, says the Dolomites and Nepal are back on the agenda!

David chose The Horder Centre for his operation after it was recommended by friends. He had experienced hip problems for a few years but when long walks in the Lakes became uncomfortable last year, he realised it was time for surgery.

In addition to resolving the hip problem, for the first time since breaking his leg as a young child, David now has two legs the same length.


He explained: “After I broke my leg, I had one leg half an inch shorter than the other so always had to wear orthotics. Now for the first time, this isn’t the case. At the Horder I was blessed with a top surgeon and the quality of nursing was excellent. There were real elements of old fashioned nursing care. The food was excellent and everything was of a much higher standard than I expected.”

David concluded: “Walking has always been such an important part of my life and I now feel that I can plan ahead for some of the experiences that I was beginning to fear would elude me before I had my hip replacement.”

Benefits of hip replacement surgery

90% of patients experience a large reduction in hip pain following a total hip replacement, which allows them to return to their normal daily activities.

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