Tom Woolley | Physiotherapy

Tom Woolley


Training for the Paris Marathon, Tom Woolley experienced chronic knee pain that threatened to ruin his preparations for the big day.

Tom, 36, took up running in January and gave himself four months to train for his first marathon in April with a rigorous training programme of five runs a week.

But after suffering knee pain, caused by Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, he began physiotherapy sessions which failed to work until he came across lead physiotherapist Russell Shingles, from Horder Healthcare Tunbridge Wells.


Tom, who lives in Tunbridge Wells and works for Axa Health Insurance, said: “As a sportsman himself, Russell really understands how to treat sporting injuries and he knows what is going on. I think many physios are book trained but they don’t have the same knowledge as he does. Russell is also incredibly personable so now when I hear of anyone who has a sporting injury and needs physio I recommend they see him.”

After the physio sessions while he continued training, Tom completed the Paris Marathon in 3hrs 29 minutes and now continues with regular sessions as he continues to run several times a week.

His aim is to complete his next marathon, either London or Brighton, in less than three hours.

Physiotherapy Service

Horder Healthcare offers a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapy service to NHS, self-pay and privately insured patients from The Horder Centre and our clinics within Kent and Sussex.

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